Unforeseen situation at healthcare facility in Zwijndrecht solved with temporary passenger lift
Healthcare facility Het Anker in Zwijndrecht is a place for elderly people who can no longer live independently. It is divided into a nursing home and a care home department. Day and night, the nurses are ready to support the elderly with the care they need. Although the residents still live as independently as possible, a lift is necessary for some of them. Since the lift at the residential care centre needed replacing, a temporary lift was needed. RECO Lift Solutions arrived on site and offered a suitable solution.
The lift at Het Anker was due for replacement after years of use. The fact that replacing the lift would only take a relatively short time and that the residents could do without the lift for a while proved to be a little premature. Besides the residents of Het Anker, a whole range of other organisations also use the lift, something which had not been taken into account.Want to know more about temporary passenger lifts?
De zoon van een van de bewoners sloeg hierom alarm bij de gebouweigenaar. In overleg met de liftadviseur bleek dat de situatie inderdaad zou zorgen voor problemen bij de bewoners en overige liftgebruikers. Daarom heeft de eigenaar van Het Anker ervoor gekozen een tijdelijke lift van RECO Lift Solutions in te huren. De oplettende zoon was erg blij met de oplossing: “Ik sta op het moment van schrijven van deze mail in de lift…mijn complimenten. Ziet er netjes uit! Eenmaal in de lift heb je het gevoel dat je in een regulier lift bent”.